Therapeutic Listening

Auditory support for sensory processing, listening, attention, and communication

Therapeutic Listening® (TL) is an expansion of sensory integration. It is an auditory intervention program that uses the organized sound patterns inherent in music (using specially-modulated and filtered sounds) to impact all levels of the nervous system, by providing direct input to both the vestibular and auditory portions of the vestibular-cochlear continuum. TL can impact sensory modulation, attention, speech/language difficulties, postural organization, and behavior. This program utilizes numerous CDs that vary in musical style, types of filtering, and complexity. The music on Therapeutic Listening CDs is electronically altered to elicit the orienting response which prepares the body for sustained attention and active listening.

Therapeutic Listening® is an evidence-backed protocol that combines a sound-based intervention with sensory integrative activities to create a comprehensive program that is effective for diverse populations with sensory challenges. The use of modulated and filtered music in conjunction with other sensory integrative techniques seems to increase the effectiveness of both treatment modalities.

When incorporated into a sensory integrative treatment approach, children of all ages can benefit from Therapeutic Listening® in a variety of areas, including: attention; organization of behavior; self regulation; development, refinement, and mastery of postural and motor skills; bilateral motor patterns; fine motor skills; articulation; praxis skills; arousal; modulation; motor execution; and auditory, visual, and vestibular integration.

Communication changes consistent with the use of TL include: spontaneous vocalizations, longer sentences or word utterances, increased timing of verbal and social expressions, improved turn-taking skills, heightened emotional awareness, and changes in vocal intonation. Discrimination of dimensionality, directionality, or spatial concepts (such as high/low/big/small) is frequently seen in participants.

Integrated listening programs can be carried out at home, school or in a clinic with ongoing support from a therapist who is trained in their use. A typical program may be in place for two to six months for initial gains. However, many individuals continue past this time frame or find several of the compact discs useful as part of an ongoing sensory diet.


Please contact:

Amy Hengstebeck, OTRL
Director of Occupational &
Sensory Integration Programs
