Toss the Sippy Cup for Best Speech Development

By Kerry Peterson, MA, CCC-SLP, BCBA
KCC Director of Autism Programs

The type of cup your young child drinks from can have a big impact on the development and function of their lips, teeth, tongue, and jaw — and ultimately their speech.

Speech-language pathologists often see children with developmental delays who are drinking from bottles or sippy cups instead of open cups way beyond an age that is recommended. This may be because the parents or the child have difficulty with change. It may seem silly to change something that seems to be working.

Transitioning from bottle to cup (and especially the right cup) is an important developmental step for feeding and for supporting the development of speech. Continuing to drink from a bottle or a sippy cup can have a long-term negative impact on a child’s speech development and the health of their teeth.  [more]


Originally posted in Metro Parent. Click below to read the rest of this article on their website.

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